Queer Eye’s Jonathan Van Ness came under fire — Aries pun intended — this week with the publication of a Rolling Stone expose that alleges the beautifully groomed grooming expert has “rage issues” that have directly and adversely affected their co-stars and the show’s production crew.
A gander inside their birth chart helps illuminate the stars that incline them. The following is by no means an excuse for or justification of abusive behavior, but rather a look at how various aspects of astrology are expressed and how those expressions are received.
Van Ness, often referred to simply as JVN, was born March 28, 1987, at 9:45 AM — something confirmed during an appearance on the Getting Curious podcast with relational astrologer tarot reader and writer Diana Rose.
What this means: JVN is a ‘burn the boats’ Aries sun with an escapist Pisces moon and a mercurial Gemini rising. For all the details, read on.
Holy hell fire and deep feels
The sun represents our essential self and the big star loves to be in Aries, the sign of the fearless leader and of exalted solar potential. Here, Aries is bracingly, often beautifully unapologetic about who it is and what it wants, and empowers others to do the same.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of conflict and action. As such, natives do not shy away from confrontation or expression, they’re here to move things forward by any means necessary, taking no prisoners and giving nary a f–k.
JVN’s sun in Aries is conjunct Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and excess suggesting a tendency to overplay the warrior archetype, or in the words of astrologer and ‘Queer Eye’ fan Elise Wells of Planet Poetica, “to overindulge in anger.”
A source tells “Rolling Stone,” “[There’s] a real fear around them when they get angry. It’s almost like a cartoon where it oozes out of them. It’s intense.”
Anger is sacred to Aries and they are born to call out, call into question, and correct. When this ire is directed at injustice on a large scale it is heroic, when it’s focused on the petty, things get ugly.
As a source reports, “At least once a day, they would need to yell at somebody. It might be something small, but there’s always going to be somebody to point out and blame.”
This sun/moon combination is that of the sad slayer.
The intensity of JVN’s Aries sun is coupled with a deep feeling martyr/nihilist Pisces moon. This sun/moon combination is that of the sad slayer, Mortal Kombat on the outside, “Everybody Hurts,” echoing on the inside.
Trust, it ain’t easy to be or be around them.
Moon in Pisces
In astrology, the moon represents the mother, our instincts and our emotional needs.
Pisces moon people like JVN have access to the pain of the collective, making them equally empathetic to others and exhausted by their own capacity to feel, intuit, and absorb.
This serves to explain why so many lunar Pisces, JVN included, have histories of substance abuse or sex addiction as they are ever seeking a trap door to take them away from reality and the deluge of emotions it brings. Gone unchecked, the combination of an unapologetic Aries sun + an escapist Pisces moon = a real deal lack of accountability.
Chaos mode
JVN’s moon in Pisces forms a challenging square with Uranus planet of upheaval. This friction between the luminary of emotion and instinct and the planet of unpredictability points to JVN’s alleged volatility and the disparity between core values/public persona and problematic behavior patterns.
JVN’s polarities are further amplified by their Gemini ascendant. The ascendant or rising sign is how others experience us. Exuberant, this sign runs hot and cold but never temperate. Gemini is represented by the twins and those with prominent Gem placements (author included) are prone to sudden and shocking shifts in mood and affection.
This mercurial quality is reflected in the expose: “Jonathan..contains multitudes and has the capacity to be very warm, very charismatic, and..to make you feel really special.”
We see this charisma and ease in JVN’s interactions with the ‘Queer Eye’ heroes where they are able to channel the directness and efficacy of their Aries sun with the sensitivity of their Pisces moon and the levity of their Gemini rising.
Mars in Taurus
Within the birth chart, Mars indicates where and how we are activated. JVN has Mars in Taurus; a beauty bestowing happy hedonist at best and an absolute tyrant toddler at worst.
JVN’s Mars falls in the 12th house of the unseen, indicating they might be wholly unaware of how their aggressive energy is received and perceived by others.
Ultimately, no one is beyond failure, f—k up, reproach or redemption and the road to wholeness doesn’t end until we do.
While JVN has allegedly failed others by misfiring their anger we’ve also seen the beauty of their burning in their advocacy and activism. See JVN on the importance of protecting transgender rights via Dax Shepard’s “Armchair Expert” podcast.
With the concentration of fire in JVN’s chart, their life challenge is to find and foster constructive outlets for their infernal energy.
Here’s to being better and leading us to follow.
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girl’s guide” to strip clubs, and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.
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